We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Look Who's Riding the Bus!

Here comes the bus. I've been meeting her right in front
of the gates to our neighborhood...

Not sure if you can see him...but, he's sitting in his stroller at the
first window.
(the driver is taking off the straps that keep his stroller secured)

and then...they wheel him on out!
This bus has a driver and an aide (that's the ONLY reason I let him ride)

and...he's happy to see me! (i think)
Please notice...he has his paci, two books, and the driver even
has a cassette recording (front and back) of our favorite
Yo Gabba Gabba songs (in case of emergency!)

I'm so proud of him (and me)....

I still take him to school each morning...get him all settled in class and talk with his teacher.
THEN...I come home...
and relish in a moment of silence...
before I go out to wait for him.

IT is the BEST thing ever!

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