I know...what a slacker blogger I've been.
I'll try and do better.
Today, we're SO excited to celebrate Isaac's 5th birthday. We're not planning any crazy extravaganza....just some cake and ice cream and lots of presents (which he still can't open!)
Look at how much he's changed. From a babydoll in the NICU...To our little stinker with the curl on top of his head...
To the wise old man with glasses...
To the MOST adorable creature on this planet!
To the now super cool kiddo that he is!
SO...at five years old, Isaac can:
- work the ipad and iphone AMAZINGLY well. He can find his movies in Netflix, start his songs, and start his apps (he doesn't play them, just opens them...waits a moment and closes them)
- he can say "ma ma ma"..but, he doesn't mean ME....he uses it when he's mad at something. He can also say "ne ne ne ne" which means NO. REALLY mad NO!
- he giggles now...a few times a day. I love that sound!
- he continues to love YoGabbaGabba and he also loves Dora.
- his favorites snacks at the moment are sour cream and onion pringles and chips ahoy cookies (he can pick them up and eat them. Well, he doesn't really chew....they just absorb in his mouth and he can then swallow them).
- he's still in his "special" preschool class and loves it. he gets all his therapies, horse therapy, and swimming once a week.
- he LOVES to swing (so much so that we've made a swing for him to use in the living room)
- he lets me brush his teeth now! (we have a singing Veggie Tales tooth brush and a Gabba one)
- he can't talk, but he pulls us by the hand and guides EVERYONE to what he wants.
- he his leg braces and still walks a little wobbly (but, he can walk~!)
- he's still in diapers (and I don't see an end in site)
- he eats four meals by mouth a day (pureed and I have to spoon feed him) He can't drink liquids yet, so they all still go in his g-tube
- he hates wearing his glasses, but he has crazy eyes when he takes them off!
Isaac is our miracle baby and we're so blessed that he chose us to be his parents. He's SO lucky to have great big brothers that look after him and love them with all their heart (well, maybe Eli shows more love than Chris--i think)
Thanks for loving our little man.
Wow...Happy Birthday Isaac. He is your miracle...and I love to hear updates on "Kate's buddy". He is truly blessed to have you as his parents...and I feel blessed to have "cyber" met you.
Happy Birthday Isaac!! You have such a special place in our hearts, and you are a blessing to each and every one of us...we love you!
Isaac, hope you had the best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday Isaac!!!
I love sweet Isaac!
Awww, I love that boy! What a sweet little thing. Happy birthday, Isaac! You are such a blessing, and we are so grateful to know you and your awesome family. Sending you HUGE birthday hugs!
You are one awesome lady and one heck of a mom and to still run your website..no wonder your lil man is as tough as he is..children are a reflection of ourselves. Great job and happy bday lil man!!!
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