As I looked back on the last post that I'd made...I realized that I've been above and beyond a slacker blogger. SO...I plugged in my camera to upload the most recent pics...only to find that I've been a slacker-mom-photographer...
Therefore, I will share with you some of my favorite more recent photos....
I just love this one. You see the messy chaos that is OUR home...and you see
how in LOVE Isaac is with books...(ok...not books, just YoGabbaGabba books)
I am SO glad that we were able to travel a few weeks ago to visit our
friends...and they took us to one of the most beautiful
places that I'd ever seen (Deception Pass).
('s a nice reminder of Eli's crazy hair)
WHICH is not crazy anymore....they shaved it off...and I'd show you...
but, I haven't taken a picture of it yet:(
Joe is really busy with work...therefore, it may be a FEW days before he
notices this picture. It is just the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Isaac sure does love him...
(and so do I)
I just needed to throw this one in. It's from our last appointment with the dentist.
One of the NICEST doctors one was even around him..
just wanted you to see what one of his tantrums look like. have HEARD of the phantom teenager that lurks our halls...
but, he exists. We turned his crazy orange hair to a super
dark brown...and he's as handsome as ever.
(and yes...still wants to be an underwear model)
AND...will kill me if he ever sees that I posted this picture.
We had a few sunny days lately...and it has just been beautiful. NOW...the forecast is for Rain...all week...forEVER probably.
Thanks for checking on us!
Glad to hear everyone is doing good. Glad to see some photos of everyone :) I want to see Eli's shaved head He he he
Yeah!!! pic of the boys, all of them, (finally.)
I think it's your turn to show up on the blog Kathy, if you'd stand still long enough for someone to point the camera. :)
Pinch some cheeks and give some kisses for us to your crew. Love you guys!
Love the pics!! I love the Rollers!!
Ahhh, I LOVE these pics! The one of Isaac reading and the one of Joe and Isaac smooching both made my heart melt a little bit.
Love you guys!! xo
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