Chris is in Las Vegas this week visiting his friends...
(I stole this picture off his facebook wall)...
Looks like he's having fun!

OK...first...this is just an example of the crazy that I live with each day.
He was helping me clean his room...
dressed like this...
all DAY long.

SO...while I'm still recovering from my hernia surgery..I can't pick up heavy items...
like 30 pound butterball turkeys!
In my EVER evolving infinite wisdom...I decided to take off the side of Isaac's crib...
and it didn't fall apart.
AND...Sir Isaac and can in and out of bed ALL by himself.
(yes...those walls are RIDICULOUS...we're renting this house...but, I will paint them..
one day)
and...after his hard days of watching Gabba Gabba, eating every 3 hours...
it takes a toll on this little man...
He will just fall asleep in the middle of the floor...
and sleep for HOURS...
and now, it's almost 11pm..and that stinker is WIDE awake!
(I suppose I shouldn't have let him nap so long)'s not nice to wake a sleeping baby.
I still have boxes to unpack...and all the other household will be done.
We did meet with our new cardiologist (his part of the same practice in Las Vegas). I loved him. Isaac is doing great. They told me that our docs in Vegas were already doing the valve replacements via cath...but, that Isaac won't be a candidate until after his NEXT surgery. IT's SO exciting though...maybe just one more open heart and then all the other tune-ups can be done in the cath lab!!
Going to go snuggle a stinker now...(that would be Isaac..not Joe)
Great News for Isaac from the Heart Docs.
Chris' goofy pics are really fun to look at - he is such a great kid!!!
Eli's my nerdy hero! I love how Isaac is just one step behind him as he poses for this picture.
So happy that Reno is offering a lot of fabulous rewards for all of the "hardworking" Rollers out there! xoxoxo
Yea!! I love to hear all the good stuff going on. I miss you tremendously!!
That little picture of his snoozing... so sweet. Glad you are settling in and loving your new place!
It seems kids can fall asleep anywhere.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for commenting on Hip2bmom. I hope you don't mind me commenting here instead of your Count to 10 blog.
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