Let's just talk about the weather here for a moment...
Isaac LOVES to go to the park and swing his little heart out.
First Day of School...Looks excited, doesn't he. Eli has started making friends, is the first pick on the playground for soccer, and is in the gifted program. All is right in his world (for now).

First day of school for Isaac. He was just walking down that sidewalk like he knew where he was going. We decided to put Isaac in a Special Needs school. His class can only get up to 6 kids (where as a special class at mainstream school can get up to 15 kids). This school has all the therapies (pt, ot, and speech) and it even has music therapy, swim therapy, and horse therapy. So far..so good. The only downside to this school is that it's 20 miles away (one way). SO, many days I just volunteer in class or run errands on that side of town to save on gas.
There is the COOLEST sporting goods store here called Scheels. It has a ferris wheel right in the middle...look at Chris being such a good brother and riding with Eli...melts my heart.
Here's a pic of Isaac enjoying his horse riding. He gets to ride every Thursday...and he just laughs and does his dancey dance the whole time. It is just the cutest thing I've EVER seen!
Two weeks ago we had the Rib Cookoff downtown. We walked in the heat, ate some delicious food, and the kids rode a few rides...
and that's Eli in the middle going down the slide. (yes...he wore those huge sunglasses all day long).
Last weekend we had the Hot Air Balloon Races in town. When we pulled up to drop Eli off at school...we were shocked to see TWO huge balloons on the playground.
On September 9th...we celebrated the birth of Christopher. Nothing like a six pack of Coke and a dancing hula girl to make a teenager happy!
This past weekend...we ventured to Virginia City...an old mining town in Nevada. It was the annual Camel Race...and we had a BLAST! Isaac did a great job holding his ipad and just taking it all in (although, it overheated after about an hour and had to be put away)
This is what the camel races looked like. Then, ostriches raced...and then little kids chased Emus and chickens around the arena. It was so funny to watch!
That's what Isaac looked like towards the end of our stay at the Camel Races.
There are my other handsome boys...
(yes...i was beating the ladies back with a stick!)
I loved living in Reno! I miss it... Great pics! Isaac sure has grown.. well all of them have!!
What a happy time in the Roller's lives - so glad to see pics of all your handsome boys having fun. Isaac is doing fantastic!
It is about time for an update!! Glad school is good. I talked to my friend and she said the same thing I did. Miss you terribly!!
Ok, I LOVE this post. Everything about it is awesome. Chris? So handsome! Isaac? Continues to melt my heart into a puddle! Eli? Could not be more proud of that boy! I'm so happy you guys are loving Reno. It looks like your having all sorts of fun!
Have I told you that Sammy is a Yo Gabba Gabba fan? Isaac would be so proud!
Thanks for the update...I miss you!
I love that Isaac is walking, running and growing up so fast!
But I can't help but feel like I'm missing everything. He's going to be headed to the prom with date in arm...that's going to just so make me cry!
No doubt you had to tell those girly's to keep their eyes to themselves.
You guys are busy busy. I love all the photos. I can't believe you have to drive 20 miles one way for Isaac to go to school can he take a bus? Glad to hear everyone is doing good. Miss you guys.
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