Eli checked out the blog today and informed me that I was WAY behind in updating you...
so...what have WE been up to? Well...
Eli's been working on his pinewood derby car. A tank, to be exact. Although it was like a knife in Joe's heart that Eli wanted a tank vs. a speeding race car...they worked on the tank for over a week.
an yes...a fancy paint job.
and Isaac...here you are. Sitting in a box, eating your babydoll hand...watching YoGabbaGabba...
could your life get any better?
AND...to end our post...let's talk about Eli again. He had an allergy appointment today in Tacoma (about 1 1/2 hours away!). Joe took him (while I took Isaac to pt and school). WELL...guess who's allergic to the entire state of Washington? yep...trees, grass, mold....everything from this region. He's currently on:
- Singulair (once a day)
- Nasonex (twice a day)
- Zrytec (once a day)
- Flovent (twice a day)
- Albuterol (as needed)
SO...with all that...he'll go back in 3 months. If he's still having the problems that he's having now...we'll talk about allergy shots. They gave us a list of other things that we can do around the house...new air purifiers, covers for pillows and mattresses (i've ordered them all already)....washing, cleaning, dusting, opening windows....
ahhhh.....do they not think that I already don't have enough to do each day?
Eli is a drug addict...
Isaac is a drug addict...
both of these boys are too expensive and keeping me up at night.
and Chris. HOLY COW...he just wants his drivers license. I stopped by the dmv today. They have NO idea what's going on. I told them that Chris was 16 1/2 and has had a permit for 1 year. They told me that he needs drivers ed, and needs a WA permit for 6 months...THEN, he can get a license.
Does that make any sense?
I must have had that look in my eyes when he was telling me this..because he told me that maybe I should call the "main" number...because they're changing the rules all the time.
How often do you think they change the laws on getting a drivers license?
WOW!!!!!! What a "TANK"!
That is quite possibly the most detailed, interesting pinewood derby car I've ever seen! Would have loved to watch Eli race it.
So sad to hear about Eli's allergies, but we kind of suspected it didn't we? I think the shots do help, but Joe had to take them for two full years - twice a week.
Poor Chris - I'll bet he feels like he'll never get his license. Send him here for the summer and we'll get him connected. :)
Eli looks like a quite well-rounded young man designer, artist, construction worker, competitor, all rolled into one lovable little person!
I love the Rollers!!!
Move to Texas....come on....you know you want to come here.....his allergies would be better.
I love his tank. He is so creative. (another reason to move to Texas....he and Bennett are so alike.)
Isaac and Lu could throw fits together!! Chris could drive them around and we could lounge all day!!
Isaac is adorable. Gracie has decided that she wants to name the new baby Foofa or Muno. Think we are still in love with Gabba at our house???
Miss you all!
Eli's tank is AWESOME! I love love love it.
Sorry to hear about the allergies. Yuck. Maybe the Minnesota winter weather freezes all of that stuff? Come live with us! :)
And on the throwing-fit scene, Grace, Isaac AND Elijah would be peas in a pod! xo
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