Let me first by breaking some BAD news to you...
our Bugaboo stroller broke:( Joe bought us this AWESOME, yet expensive stroller after Isaac's 2nd heart surgery. We knew that he'd need something that would recline (because he had the most horrible reflux at that time), it needed to be comfy (for our prince), it needed to last a while (because we knew he wouldn't walk for a while)....
and here we are...
three years later....
and the bugaboo is broken...
and we left the money tree in Vegas....and cannot justify buying another one:(
and my back can't carry Isaac very far...
and he will NOT be walking long distances for a WHILE...
and if I buy an umbrella stroller...it just squishes him all up.
I do, however, have a "handicap stroller"...but, it's SO BIG and HEAVY...
great for a trip to Disney (if we EVER go again)...
but, NOT for trips to the docs or stores.
so....let us all bow our heads...and...remember....bugaboo....

Even though it's Monday...I'd like to tell you about you about our FABULOUS Friday.
- Isaac is TOTALLY on blenderized foods. I am making all of his baby food by mouth and blending everything that gets put in his tube! He's tolerating it well...pooping and peeing well...and, if we're lucky...he'll start putting on the pounds! (not to mention....it will be nice to NOT have to pay for cans of Nutren Jr. each month..)Remember...there is NO Katie Beckett in WA (which totally stinks!) I am able to get about 1500 calories in him each day. OH MY GOODNESS...it's so exciting!
- Eli had an assembly at school on Friday---Where he was given the "Smooth Sailer" award (for being the best student) of course he is! He was "Beatty's Best" every year in Las Vegas, so...he's been waiting to be recognized for his fabulous brain here in Aberdeen....FINALLY....they have seen the light!
- Later that night, we all went to the High School where Chris had his wrestling banquet. He got his letter...AND...his coaches voted him "most improved". (they're trying to schedule a wrestling camp for the kids for this summer). He'll have a busy summer with wrestling camp, EFY in Provo, and I am trying as hard as I can to rub some coins together to get us back east to visit family this summer.
I think we're kicking all the sickies that have been floating around our house. AND...it is about time. There are still lingering coughs going around...but, nothing too bad. We're back to normal around here. SUPER thankful that wrestling season is over...and guess what's this weekend? PINEWOOD DERBY! I'll give you a hint...but, NOT showing pics until it's finished. Eli wanted a TANK...not a winning race car! (this SO hurt Joe...but, he helped and designed as Eli requested). They are in the garage as we speak...putting the first coat of paint on it. (I can smell it in here....yuck!)
Thanks for checking in on us!
I love Owen's strollers... We have a jeep jogger, smooth but bulky. Then I have a kolcraft contour from walmart...orange..light, but sturdy enough for owen to feel roomy and carry oxygen.
Kolcraft stroller...$52...walmart.com!!!
Glad to hear all the good news about everyone in the family! We are so proud of the boys - way to go Eli!!!! Good looks AND smart to boot!
Tell Chris congrats for us - (I got that award the first year I played basketball).
I know Isaac is loving his new blenderized food. What an awesome Mom he has!
Can you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE swing down south while you head out east???
Sorry to hear about your stroller. That sucks.
Way to go on the blenderized food. That is awesome!! I am so happy that it was an easy transition.
Way to go Eli!! You are amazing.
I am so proud of Chris. I am glad that he like wrestling. What a good outlet!!
Oh no, so sorry to hear about the loss of your stroller! YAY about the blenderized foods, though! How wonderful that Isaac is tolerating them, too. Congrats to both Eli and Chris for their awards!!! Have a good week, Rollers! xo
thanks for shareing, still praying for u & ur family
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