SomeONE LOVES to be outside...
can't you just tell by the look in his face??
He turns into a dancing man when he's outside
with the wind and sunshine!
He can spit now!
Yeah for Isaac!
and he LOVES to pick his nose...
like all day long...
like...I think he picks it and it causes more snot to run out...
and so he picks it again..
and then puts his finger in his mouth..
and repeat 564 times a day.
Today was SO busy. Isaac had his "school" today. He is STILL screaming for most of her hour visit. much torture could a sweet lady who brings lots of fun toys be??
THEN, Isaac and I delivered a crib to a friend at church who is having a baby soon...ahhh...
(I want another one...but, if Joe reads this...he'll sleep in the guestroom FOREVER!)
THEN, Isaac and I went to church to help out with food for a funeral service. We hung out, snacked, and did a little work (ok, I did...while he was a BIG boy and hung out in his stroller watching Gabba Gabba). What a sweetie he was.
After picking up head hurt. it did. so, i did what i do when it hurts....I turn my ac down to 67, grab my snuggle buddy Isaac, and get in my bed and take a nap...
FOUR hours later...Isaac and I are ready to conquer the world~!
I made the CUTEST little necklaces...
What do you think??
Any takers? I MAY just take requests...
and yes...I didn't think that I had enough projects in the, I started another.
and...I was watching Hoarders the other day (did I tell you this already??). Anyway, they were talking about a lady who had tons of baskets and bins to put things in. She can't stop buying them...they called her an "Organized Hoarder"...THAT IS WHAT I Organized Hoarder!
Joe almost peed in his pants laughing when I told him...he said he already knew that.
I am the QUEEN of buying baskets and shoving things in them..and why not?? Then people can't see my junk. I can't just throw my junk away...I might need it one day.
my name is kathy.
and I have a shopping problem.
I'm not afraid to admit it.
(and Macy's is having a sale...25% off! shh...don't tell joe...i might go tomorrow...just lOOking:)