We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

I could just EAT his little cheeks off his face...
he's such a yummy little treat to smooch on~
and here's ONE happy Eli...
Enjoying the empty pool...
(now, I need to get those leaves out and fill it back up!)
What a BUSY weekend.
FIRST, my sister in Utah is sick...really sick. (she doesn't monitor my blog for quality assurance...so, not sure what she'd care if I shared or not...but...) they THINK she has Sydenham Chorea (you'll have to google it). Her arm shakes up and down and her head shakes side to side....constantly...all day...and her speech is impaired and she stutters now. They think she had strep, which turned into rheumatic fever, which went to her brain.
So now...she waits for a confirmation....and has another consult with a neurologist this week in Vegas. At first they thought she had a stroke, then possibly MS...then, they've come up with this last diagnosis...

SO...that's why we drove up to Utah on Friday night. Just to see her, visit with her, and help out with the kids and housework. Joe did PHENOMENAL with Isaac and Chris. It's nice to know that if she needs my help more often, that Joe will be able to help me with Isaac.

Physical Therapy started last week. We've had two visits...with two separate therapists. Isaac does NOT like it. He doesn't have stranger anxiety...I think he just knows that he has to work...and he's not having it. Tomorrow, we go again. I HOPE he has a better time.

AND....after our physical therapy appointment, he has his FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Our school teacher comes over every Monday and Wednesday at 10am...for an hour. I can't wait! The thought of him sitting still for any length of time...and doing something?? what?? My child?? I can't wait..I'm so darn excited!!!

The wind has been horrible here...thus the allergies...thus Isaac's runny nose and now his secretions are thick...so, he coughs. He isn't sick (well, he's on antibiotics for his ears)...but, he's coughing. ugghhh.....
Normally, I'd make him skip all classes...but, the doc confirmed that he's just an allergy ball..so, I'm making him work!

Do you need your Eli funny story??
In Utah, the Easter Bunny comes on Saturday. SO, I took Eli with me, and thus brought along a small basket for him to match what my sister's kids were getting.
He had a great Saturday Easter Morning...
THEN, on our way home...
I said, "Eli...you forgot your Easter things"
he said, "I know..it's ok mom....Kenny and Luke can have them".
I said, "oh...that's nice Eli".
he said, "yeah...it is...but, I KNOW the Easter Bunny MUST have left my BIG Easter basket at our house...because, I've NEVER received so little before"

SO....I quickly called Joe so that he had time to "prepare" the big basket that the bunny would surely leave on Sunday morning....(because he only goes to Utah on Saturdays).
and...this morning was successful.
We had a happy 7 year old...
watched conference on tv...
and I cooked...
some of our friends stopped by...
It was a great day.

**now...to tell you what i REALLY think about this weekend. I am sad. I am so sad for my sister. She has four kids...ages 6 months, 2, 5, 8...and she can't hold them. If she tries to hug them...her head bangs into them. She can't go down the stairs to tuck them into bed each night. Having Isaac makes me appreciate ALL my kids even more each and everyday...but, I've never thought about what I would feel like if something happened to me. I'd be devastated.
I am so proud of my sister and how she's dealing with this crazy illness that she's having to deal with. Just another reminder not to put off tomorrow what you can do today...and LOVE those that you love. One conference talk that I actually heard while I was cooking, talked about that very thing. You can tell someone that you love them...but, do you really? How do they know? You have to SHOW them that you love them. I hope that by calling and actually visiting my sister...she knows how much I love her.

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The Portas said...

I am so sad for your sister right now, Kathy. We will hold her close in our prayers. Is this something that is reversible?

I am glad the Easter Bunny pulled through for Eli (how stinkin funny)!! :)

We got some bad news from a friend this weekend, too, so I have been holding my little munchkin extra tight.

Sarah said...

The first time I thought - what if something happens to me - not that I'm everything but, I want Evan to have his Mommy - was when I was dx with MS. I've gotten better with not being so scared. I can only imagine how your sister is feeling. Hugs to you - your sister too - wish I was closer to help.
Evan did almost the same thing!!! Him and Eli are brothers from another mother! Evan said - late Sat. night of course - "last year the Easter bunny brought me that pirate ship, I can't wait to see what toy he brings this year!" Eric thought of a reason to go out and the Easter bunny came through with not just candy - but a toy too!

jencooper said...

I am so sad for your sister. I am crying. It makes me want to go pick up my kids from school and hug them extra close.

Eli cracks me up!! He is such a funny kid.

Love all of you!!

Unknown said...

I am sorry your Sister is having to go through this I cannot imagine not being able to do daily things like hug your kids and tuck them into bed everynight. We also watched conference and I really enjoyed all of the talks that were given.
Let me know when a good time to come by and give Isaac his B-day gift. Hope Therapy goes well today and call me later on to let me know how School went. How exciting.

Anonymous said...

Read about sydenham's chorea at www.wemove.org. lots of info.

Wendy said...

Oh, Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister! I will be praying for her! It's great that you were able to go and help her out over the weekend. I'm sure she appreciates you so much.

Glad that the Easter bunny left a BIG basket for Eli! :) He cracks me up!

Hugs to Sweet Isaac....I've gotta run, Emma's taking her diaper off!!!!

Lots of Love,

Wendy (& Emma, too!)

crabby old man said...

sorry to hear about Your sister