We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

too tired to think of an exciting title...

maybe you can think of a title for me.

We got off to a GREAT start this morning. I am sure to wake up early EACH and EVERY morning and let Chris know how much he's RUINING my summer with this summer school non-sense.

We drive 15 minutes to drop him off....drive BACK home...all the kids were fed, we all got dressed...THEN...we ventured out to Target. Isaac slobbered on my iphone, THUS, causing it to die an untimely death...so, while we're shopping, he doesn't have a tv to watch...SO, he screams...loud...the entire time we're in the store (just to remind me that he REALLY wants to watch his show and that somehow it needs to re-appear from my purse).
While chasing Eli down aisles, blocking out my toddler's screams, and avoiding all eye-contact with strangers staring at me..
it happened....
like the clouds parting in the sky...the sun shining through and glistening like we'd made it to Heaven...I saw it...
a clearance end-cap...
50% off...
of food.
and all was good.
Eli could run where he wanted...
Isaac could scream until he was dehydrated from all the water loss from his eyes...
I had hit the MOTHER LOAD...
and the trip was worth it.

That was the highlight of my day.
After that adventure...I got a migraine (probably from some toddler's screaming)...
my head is still pounding...
after, I can't remember, how many excedrin...

dashboard camera. I need to buy one. You would NEVER believe how Chris drives. I could tell you...in my own voice...BUT, you need to experience the constant jerking, the vibrating of the car as it rides on the reflectors, the sound of horns from other cars as he waits forEVER to pull out in traffic, the screams from the backseat of my other scared children....you can only imagine.
I will work on it...
before he kills me in the car...

and...to make the night even WORSE...Eli had a breakdown. He really wants to play Halo...a rated M game. (because so many of his 8 year old friends play it...and somehow, we think rated M games should only be played by adults...aren't we weird).
He just broke down...crying...breaking my heart...
hugging Joe...
poor little thing.
Maybe he'll sleep good tonight and have a better day tomorrow.

I will post pics again once my children aren't screaming at me, crying at me, or trying to kill me in a car...
so...you may NEVER see pics of my kids again.

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James said...

Can't help but laugh, hahahahhahahah! People act like they have never seen a child cry or scream. Whenver we were standing in line at Disney for the Safari ride, you know I had to say something, everybody was looking?! At least they turned back around! lol Chris, Chris, good luck to you. Practice, practice, practice (in subdivision first)!

Tina:0) said...

At least you had the mother load at Target! Sounds like you need a vacation! Hope you have a better day... with no screaming involved!

Grandma Judy said...

Don't worry about Chris. He will soon get it.

Poor Eli. Just tell him GRANDMA said NO.

And, Isaac is Isaac. Get him his own iphone!

jencooper said...

I LOVE the Rollers!!!

And...I am officially on the countdown...13 days and I am Vegas bound!!!

Sarah said...

Oh my... I want the dash camera video on here... I'm sure that would be too funny. I remember when I started driving - after running a red light and over top a curve my Mom made me pull over. Poor Issac - I agree... he needs an iPhone or iPod, lol.