We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Bug be gone!

I did it...

somewhere in my last post on Monday night...
I said, "I'm SURE nothing else will happen tonight....


Immediately after posting...Isaac started wretching and throwing up. I clean him up, change him, and rock him back to sleep. It's almost midnight...and I hear Chris walking around upstairs. I go up to investigate...only to find him in the bathroom throwing up!
He's got the runs and throwing up...
I get him a bowl, water, and he's off to bed.
Until I KEEP hearing him up in the bathroom...
I KEEP getting up with him until I talk him into going downstairs, turning on the tv, and just relaxing with his bowl...where he says, "mom...where are you going? Are you just going to leave me down here?"
AH...yes I am! I am tired and NOW my tummy is starting to hurt.

and throughout the night...I get up and empty Chris' bowl...he dozes off, but doesn't get much sleep.
It's now Tuesday morning...My tummy is just churning, but NO throwing up. Chris is STILL throwing up...that means NO school...and Tuesday would be a day of TWO FINAL EXAMS.
darn it..
By noon on Tuesday, Chris stops throwing up and is able to sleep most of the afternoon...
NOW...me....GEEZ...I can't stay off the toilet (I'll spare you all the details...but, trust me....GROSS!).
ok...I'm tired from taking care of him all night, taking care of Isaac, and now I'm feeling horrible.

Joe comes home from work and we BEG him to go to the store to get pedialyte, jello, and soup. He does it...giving us this look like, "are you REALLY sick"?

Thank goodness....Chris is able to keep food down by dinner...
and I'm able to eat Jello.
Wednesday is going to be a GREAT day!
yeah right?
Have you met the Roller's before? We don't ask for it, but Drama seems to find us whenever and however possible.
I get a call about 9am from Joe...asking me to pick him up from work...because his head is stuck in a trashcan and he can't stop throwing up!
I feel MUCH better, Chris is off to school, and now poor Joe has it.
Whatever IT is? (bad hamburger meat, a 24-hour bug? who knows)

Poor Joe has spent the day in bed...now realizing how horrible we DID feel yesterday...

We are ALL just a HOT MESS~
If he has what we had, he'll wake up tomorrow much better...

Eli...our usual sick boy...hasn't gotten it yet.
I spent the night scrubbing every toilet that everyone pooped or threw up in...
sanitized all the floors, doors, counters...
and HOPE that kills it (if it's a virus).
and..fyi...Eli is STILL peeing on the wall.
I told him if I go in that bathroom again and see pee anywhere except the toilet...
that I'm going to put a diaper on him.

so...there are no pictures for today.
maybe tomorrow.

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Mandy said...

Nice dear, nice. Just sleep all day and you'll be fine.

James said...

oh no, I hope that you all feel better sooner, than later!

The Portas said...

Oh MAN, you guys!! You sure do deserve a break. I hope all the sickies have worked their way through your house. Here's to a healthy, restful weekend for all of you!

jencooper said...

YUCKY!! I am glad that I am not in Vegas. Ugh.

I am glad that you are feeling better!

What is it with boys????

Tina:0) said...

Geesh... you don't have to share everything, you know;0)

Hope that nasty bug or whatever it was promptly leaves & never returns!

Unknown said...

So that is what's wrong with Isaac, now everyone has it. I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I hope everything goes back to normal very soon.