We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Monday, October 05, 2009

Look at that face...
have you seen anything cuter??
and yes..
he still eats shoes...
not food.
This was Eli last week working on homework...
and today....

Isaac has ANOTHER EAR INFECTION...croup cough, low sats at night, hasn't eatten by mouth in two weeks, fever...but, he's happy.

Eli has asthma issues, croup cough...is STILL awake talking my head off.

Chris went to Utah this weekend for conference....played video games all day today (no school)...and is STILL awake (he's going to hurt in the morning).

Eli is out of school for the ENTIRE MONTH OF October (track break)...
serenity now...serenity now...

I have SO many things to do this week...I do NOT need two sick kiddos.
Please let them know that I've had enough and I'm sick too..and I would like to sleep sometime this decade. (is that even possible??)

and would Eli PLEASE stop reading over my shoulder....it gets on my nerves.

Isaac's new glasses are in. I should go and get them tomorrow...but, he's sick...so, we'll see how many errands I get to run.

wish me luck!

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jencooper said...

They are two cutie pies!! I hope that Eli gives you a break! You can always send him down to Texas and he and Bennett can entertain each other. Bennett talks all of the time!

I hope that everyone is feeling better! Hang in there, mama!
