We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Monday, June 21, 2010

PLEASE play itsy bitsy spider with me...

I've been missing in action...I know.

I'm ONE busy lady...a busy lady with a bad memory. I really can't remember WHY I was so busy. Isaac was sick over the weekend (his ears again..but, with ear drops all weekend...he's feeling much better).
HE took TWO steps by HIMSELF today at physical therapy!

Have I mentioned that Chris is ruining my life with this darn early morning summer school?? Well...he is.

Eli is back in school (how silly....MOST of the world is off for summer already)...oh, and Joe took him for a hair cut on Saturday...now, he's almost bald. (I'll take a picture this week).

and I've been cleaning my stinkin' house. Not that it stinks...I'm just tired of cleaning it. It's like a never ending job...I want a new one.

Here's the cutest video EVER! Isaac is trying to get Chris to play Itsy Bitsy Spider with him. The problem with playing this game with Isaac.....is that he's a little OCD...and wants to do it about 20 times in a row.

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Kerry Tylenda-Emmons said...

OMG! That truly is the cutest video EVER! I love it, what a funny little guy. And Chris seems like a pretty great brother to give in so easily :)

Grandma Susie said...

What a great video and precious, precious little guys you have! I can hardly wait to see them all . . . And Isaac taking steps by himself is nothing short of a miracle Kathy - you are such a good momma with all of them.

Sarah said...

What a great big brother! And sweet little Isaac giving kisses! I'm sure that little guy is sure hard to say no to!

The Simmons Family said...

That is hilarious!! Issac and Owen sound the same when they don't get their own way... and have the same "we need to do this 100 times before I'm happy" feelings.

HORRAY for those first couple steps. Hopefully he'll take many more and then you won't be able to keep up with him :).

jencooper said...

Tell Eli that he has a twin!! Bennett shaved his head this weekend too. He says he is the "most sexy" now!

Guess what.....we are leaving ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW!! Woohoo!! It is almost time to see Master Isaac in person.

I am so proud of him for taking steps...I can't wait to see them for myself!!

Unknown said...

He is so cute, I love this video. Thanks for sharing.

Hope Isaac is feeling better

James said...


T n T - K n K said...

oMG...that is too adorable! And the faster Chris version is just too cool!! Only big brothers could do that with him :-)

The Portas said...

You are right. That IS the cutest video ever. As you know, Elijah has the same OCD thing, so I can relate to having to do things like that over and over and over...

Isaac took TWO steps!!? Awesome! GO ISAAC!

Praying for healthiness for all of you! xo

Unknown said...

What an awesome big brother! I love when he gives Isaac kisses. :)