We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Isaac's still wretching...5-8 times a day. I need to get a video clip of it so that you can see why it breaks my heart everytime it happens. I called and left a message with Dr. Baron's office today, so maybe we'll get a call back with something new to try. We checked Isaac's blood bugsr levels yesterday and here's what they were:
Before a feeding (4 hours since the last feeding)--133
15 minutes after the feeding --191
30 mintutes after the feeding --185
and that's with the low dose antibiotic and 1 teaspoon of cornstarch added to his milk.
I hope they can figure out what's going on with my little guy.
Dr. Kogut's office called today and want to see Isaac for a followup appoitment tomorrow. She's the surgeon that did his fundoplication and g-tube surgery...Wait until I tell her that he can spit up now and all these wretching problems. Maybe she'll have an idea! (and not to re-do the fundo surgery!)
Chris stayed home from school today because he's a germ pot! Eli went to school like a BIG BOY! Joe's in Reno until Friday...I wonder if I could rent a husband while he's out of town??!! Oh...just JOKING!!! These lovely breaks are what keeps us happily married...we're going on 50 years now!!! (that's what it feels like anyway!) I'll update tomorrow after we see the surgeon.

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Mandy said...

Whatever Kat. Another husband wouldn't be able to keep up with you. Everytime Joe is around all you do is spend all your time kissing him and telling him how much you love him. If I had just a penny for everytime you told Joe you love him I'd be rich!!

Make sure Dr Kogut finds out why her surgery didn't work. Tell her we want it fixed but no more needles or knives.

Take care of Sto and be nice. Just let him play games all day. That will make him all better. Oh, tell Eli Seth is still being bad at school so maybe Seth does need to go to school with him. I'm sure Eli can keep him straight.

Take care supermom!!

The Portas said...

50 years, wow you look great for your age! :) I don't know how you manage three kiddies while your hubby is away. I can barely manage one with my hubby there!

Hopefully things get figured out with Isaac. It can't be fun watching him wretch and struggle. :( Poor man. Well at least he's just the cutest little thing on earth. Look at that precious face!

Grandma Judy said...

I'm sure there are days Joe wishes you could hire yourself a husband. That would give him more time in the garage...or when was the last time he actually went to a golf course?

Sure hope someone has some suggestions for Isaac's wretching.
Call me after the Dr. visit.

Grandma Judy said...

I'm sure there are days Joe wishes you could hire yourself a husband. That would give him more time in the garage...or when was the last time he actually went to a golf course?

Sure hope someone has some suggestions for Isaac's wretching.
Call me after the Dr. visit.

Unknown said...

He is really starting to look like