We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

You must be tired of watching the "Yo Gabba Gabba" videos by now! I'm feeling much better...just a stray cough here and there. Isaac seems to have been spared my germs (it must have just been allergies). Nothing new to report with him. We're still taking the low dose of antibiotics to help empty his stomach faster to see if that will stop the wretching...but, so far, it's not helping. I'll give it two more days and then call Dr. Baron and see if we can try the other medicine he recommended. Mandy and her kiddos came this weekend...such a cutie pie! Meghan is the red-headed daughter that i'll never have! The pictures of Isaac are of him eating with his new Nuk brush. He's not doing very well with the spoon...choking and throwing it back up...so, the brush should help stimulate his weak little mouth muscles. He's working on some sweet potatoes. We're working with the brush now three times a day, in between his g-tube feeds. (I'm lucky if I have a chance to eat myself each day). Joe's leaving for Reno again tomorrow (we really should just buy a house up there...a nice vacation home on Lake Tahoe...I'll wake up now from my day dreams...but, it would be nice. To be there to nag him when he gets off work!!) Back to Isaac....he's starting to babble FINALLY! He was doing it before surgery...but, then stopped. He's just silent all the time. He smiles, but never tries to make any sounds. And this week...he decided to be a big boy and try to start talking! I must say...I'm TOTALLY smitten with Isaac.

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The Portas said...

The second pic from the top makes me giggle! What a sweetie.
Good job on the talking, Isaac! Keep lovin' on those sweet potatoes.

Mandy said...

Kathy, I told you that you can have Meghan!! And don't worry mom, Seth will teach Isaac good things to say. It's funny, Eli is now starting to act and talk like Seth. We all had so much fun this weekend. Seth is still telling everyone that he is moving in with his mom (Kathy). He's ready to get three new brothers.

Grandma Judy said...

Kat, I know you are smitten with Isaac. I on the otherhand think all the kudos should go to Sto and Eli. They are the ones that struggle with school everyday, and have to share their mom. No more soccer, football, etc until Isaac is better. Yes, Isaac is the cutie pie for now, but don't forget those other brown eyes that have stared at you for so many years. We are all happy to have Isaac, AND we are grateful he two BIG brothers to look up to. So, where are their pictures??