We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Monday, October 01, 2007

No pics today...sorry! Eli had to stay home from school...too much wheezing. I took him to the ped. He's just wheezing and coughing. The ped thinks it's just allergies, but gave me antibiotics just in case. Oh yeah...this is Isaac's blog...well, you need to know about all the boys...so, before I called the ped, I called the GI doc to give them our blood sugar numbers. They called back this afternoon and said that those numbers were high and consistent with stomach "dumping". This sometimes happens after stomach surgery. The stomach will "dump" it's comtents slow at times and then fast at times. (which they think is what's causing the wretching). So, they told me to just add a teaspoon of corn starch to each feed. Now, I'm already adding formula to my breastmilk, and now we'll throw a little corn starch in with the mix. (CRAZY!) The corn starch is suppose to help with the blood sugar levels..he told me just how at our last visit, but I forgot. When I talk to him again (and not the nurse), I'll let you know. So, I tried this on his last feed...and it worked...unitl I got ready to start his next feed...he wretched. Maybe it just takes a while for his body to adjust (i hope)...this method would be better than trying to add more drugs to his mix! All the boys are in bed..my big boys were fighting, so they had to go down early. Isaac is snoozing in his living room crib (yes...he has 2 cribs...and why shouldn't he)...he's the king of our castle at the moment!

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The Portas said...

I hope you can get the wretching stuff figured out soon. That can't be any fun. Hopefully you can do it without adding more drugs.

Good luck! You'll get it all figured out.

When is his next surgery again? Coming up, right?

Grandma Judy said...

Take good care of my 3 boys!