We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here's my Isaac's shiner...
can you see it??

Here's a better shot...
I just happened to snap it in a blink...
finally....a perfect shot!
ok...don't judge me...
but, here's the closet under the stairs...
where we keep junk and shoes.
Here's the after:
there is a floor....

and look at what I found...
28 boxes of cereal!!!
ooppps...I forgot that they were in there...
on a shelf...in the WAY back!
(and if you're smart enough to count...I already
took some away and put them in our pantry)

Bravo for me.  I wish that I could brag about a new area that I transformed...but...I've slacked off a bit today.  Isaac is still snotty...but, he did eat yogurt for dinner tonight (and if you were wondering...his poop is back to normal!)  yeah for Isaac!!!

Eli threw up tonight.
serenity now....serenity now...

Joe's still out of town...and Eli keeps sneaking in my bed at night.  It's a big bed...and I don't even know he's there until morning.  Maybe Joe will take over Eli's top bunk and they'll just switch up...or, maybe we should put the top bunk over Isaac's crib.  Nothing wrong with FOUR people sharing a room (although...Chris might get jealous and then I'll need to put the sofa bed in our room too).  We should just move into a studio apartment...we can't seem to get enough of each other!

It's been a LONG day!
Thanks for checking on us!

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Someone is glued to the television...
I must have done something wrong!
Here's Eli, Seth, and Meghan jumping and 
having a blast...
then they deflate it...

(those were pics from the weekend)

Today...Isaac is snotty.  Seriously.  I had a call into a new physical therapy clinic to start this week...and he's sick.   I hope it's just allergies...it's just like inhaling dirt here.  GROSS!

THEN, tonight...I was cleaning and organizing my food storage room and Isaac was playing on the floor.  Eli came in and asked if Isaac could sit with him on the bed (in the same room that I'm in)...I told him yes..but, only if he watched Isaac.  Well, Eli started yapping about a video game and CRASH...Isaac fell on the floor.  Looks like he'll have a black eye...(it's really red right now).   I held a cold rag on it until he fell asleep.  He's right here sleeping now...snoring, (thanks to the snot)...and eating.  Poor Eli, he felt so horrible.  

I'm watching "Table for 12"...I just love this show.  Anyway, they're showing one of the kids at a therapy place that uses horses.  We have one here, and I've called about getting Isaac in.  BUT, wouldn't you know that they don't take our insurance.  Why would they??? Why wouldn't insurance pay for something that your kid needs???  I might have to see what they're cash rate is...but, I'm sure it's CRAZY high...and I would have to sell one of my other boys to pay for it.

I accomplished cleaning the CLOSET UNDER THE STAIRS today.  I will post pics tomorrow.  You will be so proud of me!

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

More party pics as promised...
this was after the candles were blown out...
one pooped little man...
and one cute daddy...
This is my princess Magpie...
(she stole all of our necklaces)
Eli's ready to party...
I had to BEG to get this picture...
it's the elusive Chris...
he does exist!
I will eat the bell on this hat...
I will!
Yep...that's about it.

Joe's out of town...and we're just goofing off.  I didn't even know what day of the week it was today....where is the time going???  I've got BIG plans this week...i might CLEAN and ORGANIZE!  

I should take before and after pics...but, I don't want you to judge my clutter.  My house is "clean" ...just cluttered.  There's no poop, bugs, mice...or anything like that on the ground...just stuff.  I can't throw anything away...I might need it one day.  

ok...maybe I will take pics so that you can all pat me on the back.

wish me luck!

oh...were you wondering how the boys were doing??  Well...Isaac still has the yucky poops:(  Eli is feeling better, he's just not back to normal yet.  Chris is fine...being a little more helpful than usual (maybe that's from my constant nagging!).  and Joe...he landed in Orlando and should be snoozing like a baby!! (I'm jealous!)

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

ok...I couldn't decide on a theme for the party...
I said, "I'll just get whatever cake is made
and ready at Wal-mart"..
Mardi Gras it is!

The sweet boys help him blow out the candles...
I've had this zebra for MONTHS (probably almost 2 years)...
just waiting for him to be able to sit up on it..
and look at him!!!
a Mardi Gras hat for today's party...
just one sweet little angel...
I took about 100 pictures today...so, I'll post a little each day!
Thanks again for all the birthday wishes...

tomorrow...Joe flies out for Orlando...oh, I wish we could go!!

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Happy Birthday Isaac!!!

You're TWO YEARS OLD.....

I can't believe it.  I didn't make a long movie for you to watch....and we haven't had our little party yet (so, no pics yet)...but, I wanted you ALL to know how much we love you and what your love and support has meant to us.  Joe wouldn't be able to do his job (grow the money trees), I wouldn't be able to do mine (keep Isaac alive), and our other boys wouldn't feel so loved if we didn't have the help of all our friends and family.  

SO...thanks a million!  Here's to a YEAR with NO heart surgeries (we'll let that little cleft palate surgery this summer slide)....and to a little boy who grows stronger each day, smiles a little bigger, melts my heart a little more....and shows the world what a little faith and love can do.

(that was my toast--with Coke of course)!

We'll have cake, ice cream, and presents tonight (because SOMEONE is at WORK right now)...and I'll post the pics tonight.

Thanks again for all your well wishes and for the love that you have for our angel.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

All of my bushes are dead...or, so I think they are. Doesn't it look dead to you??

Now...if only the WIND would stop blowing here...I could do some yard work and dig up some dead bushes!!!

so...I guess I'll just have to sit on the couch for a few more days and wait....and wait.

The boys are all good. Eli got up in the middle of the night again...Isaac still has yucky poop, and Chris has an Algebra quiz tomorrow.

But...Isaac has his 2 year old well check tomorrow! I'll be sure to ask about the poop. ohh...I didn't think about it...does he get shots?? yikes...that wouldn't be fun.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

He is one handsome little Devil!
and he grooms himself...

and he smiles at everything
(don't say anything about those sideburns...I'll fix them)

So....where to begin. How about midnight...last night. Isaac FINALLY goes to sleep...and Eli comes hobbling into our room screaming and crying. His leg hurts. (If he had DiGeorge..I'd be worried). But, it does happen to him alot..I suppose it's growing pains. poor little thing.
I gave him Motrin and he slept at the foot of our bed (on the mound of blankets that stay there for him).

THEN, at 4am I start to hear Isaac moan and groan...then, I heard him poop. WHAT...in the middle of the night?? YEP..and it's yucky-runny-going-to-make-me throw-up poop AGAIN! I change it...and try to go back to sleep. Isaac is NOT. He's sitting up, falling down, kicking the rails...ready to play.

It's 5am...there's no sleep for me. So, I take my AWAKE baby downstairs so that we don't wake up Joe and Eli. We turn on the tv...and here walks Eli. (he's so nosy).

At 5:30 I go up to wake Chris and get him off to seminary...then, Joe comes down about 6:30...THEN, about 7am...my kiddos finally decide they should sleep! (but, for only an hour)

oh...my bones.

I scored some deals at Smith's today! YEAH for me!

We took the kids to the park tonight. Eli had a rash all over his face and legs when we left. He's allergic to the grass or some bush he brushed up against (poor thing can't catch a break)

good night.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What are you looking at???
I don't know...
what are YOU looking at???
(still has the crazy eyes...I know..I'll put the glasses back on)

Wanna see my hand disappear???

Yeah...it's me...
chillin' on the floor...

Eli's still sick...
just sleeping in really late...
and still has the yucky cough:(
FIRST...i got a call tonight from the genetics doc.  She got my labs back..and I DO NOT have the chromosome deletion for DiGeorge.  SO, he didn't get it from me.  Now...Joe needs to have his checked.  But, she said that 90% of the time...when kiddos get this deletion...it's just a fluke.  NOW...if Isaac ever has kids, they have a 50% chance of having the deletion (I'll be talking to him about adoption).

ahhh...now I can't remember what else I was going to tell you.
 old age.

Oh...I know.  Nora (my wonderful pt) came over today.  She had Isaac pulling up to stand on his knees (not his feet).  This is HUGE...he looked so big pulling up!  We're going to hold off on the leg braces until he puts a little more pressure on his feet...he only does it for a few seconds, then becomes "Mr. Jelly legs".

Chris is alive and well.  He doesn't know how to clean his room...so, we'll have a class tomorrow on that subject (hush mom...I know what you're thinking).

There's so much to do each day...and not enough time to do it.  
I should cancel cable...that would give me more time in each day and make my belly slimmer.
BUT...there's no need to go to such extreme measures (yet?).

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Isaac's 2nd birthday in Saturday...

I don't have anything planned.
Do you think he'll mind??
We have a soccer game at 10...
Eli has a party to attend at 11...
Joe will probably have to work...
don't tell Isaac...

I'll order a cake (or make special cupcakes)...I've got enough toys stashed away...
he doesn't like cake or ice cream any way...and balloons are a choking hazard because he eats everything.  We'll just have a small birthday.  I think we celebrate the birth of Isaac daily anyway!

Eli's still coughing up a lung...he skipped soccer tonight.
I forgot to ask Chris about swimming (I guess he's not interested in pursuing that any longer).

Joe had to work pretty late...and flies out of town on Sunday.  

I took pics today...but, I ran out of time to upload them..so, you'll have to check back tomorrow!

thanks for checking on us!!!

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

I know that Karen already posted her pic...but, I'm a SLACKER and am just finally getting around to it.  Isaac and Logan...just laying around and rolling around.  Isn't life grand??

The pollen here is HORRIBLE.  Eli is still coughing and we're all snotty and congested.  yuck yuck yuck!

We skipped our soccer game on Saturday...and Christopher STILL can't find his swim suit and goggles.....uurrgghhh!

Eli starts THREE WEEKS of track break tomorrow.  Pray for my sanity.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

that's Isaac's shorts falling off his bum...

that's Isaac eating the RUG!
his pants are still falling off ...
(they are a 6 month size by the way)
he's so crazy!
That's all I've got for you!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Isaac had speech therapy today.  He ate 1 1/2 cheese puffs (but, only when I put it in his mouth..he will still not touch the darn thing!)  AND...he ate some spaghetti that I had blended up smooth!!!  

THEN...Nicole came over.  She got to see him crawl...he's a mad man!!!  We placed him in the playroom and I sat in the living room and turned on his show.  We wanted to see if he could crawl to a different room.  (he could see me).  But, he just couldn't quite figure out that he needed to crawl forward to find the tv...so, we scooted him closer to the tv viewing site...and he raced over to see it.

AND...before that...ELI stayed home from school again...with a 102 FEVER!  Seriously...what's going on with my kids??  Eli has missed so many days of school for his sick days...maybe he's got DiGeorge too.  He's worse than Isaac.

CHRIS...is still catching up work that he missed last week while he was sick.  OH..he better bust his little bum and get good grades (or that xbox will be held hostage).  He skipped swim practice tonight because he can't find his bag...with his expensive new suit, goggles, and fins in it.  HOW IN THE WORLD do you lose a bag with all that in it??  (well...I know...If my house was cleaner you couldn't lose things like that)

AND...I watched Meghan and Seth tonight...got them and all my kids fed and showered and ready for bed!  YEP...that's a 14 year old, 6 year old, 7 year old, 2 year old and Isaac.  

AND...I even made dinner for a grumpy old troll.

who's the man??


just letting you know.

I'm off to soak in my tub now.....

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Last year this time...
Eli was playing t-ball...not soccer....
and Isaac was doing the same thing...
he still has the crazy eyes...
but, not O2 up the nose..
yeah for Isaac!
Slacker mom today didn't take any pictures.  Hope you enjoyed the flash back!

All the boys are great.  I was able to make a CVS and Walgreens freebie run today...(that just gets my blood pumping!).  Isaac fell asleep tonight on the living room floor about 7:30!  I guess he's a big boy now, and I don't need to watch his every move...do you think he's ready to be put in his crib now when it's bedtime??  He just falls asleep on the floor in the living room, lights on, tv on, kids running around, phone ringing...and he sleeps.  I've just been on-guard with his choking and gagging...but, he's doing well lately.  

Maybe I'll just buy myself a video baby monitor....then, maybe I can put him upstairs without me.  You know he still sleeps in my room....yep...in his crib...but, right beside my bed.  (I'm just not taking any chances with my angel!)

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Monday, March 16, 2009

I need some HELP!!!
My dryer keeps shrinking my clothes...
especially my jeans.
I'm sure it's not me...
I'm eating the same junk I've always eaten,
had three kids,
don't exercise...
I just need a new dryer...
and all my problems will be fixed.
ok...since I'm finished day dreaming about a dryer...
here's my niece, Meghan...
or Maggie Moo...
Can you believe that she's only 4 months older than Isaac?
She just looks so much older.
and here's Isaac...
he looks a little drunk in this picture...
but, I assure you that he's just tired...
he just finished eating A WHOLE jar of baby food...
and you know he has to bounce the whole time...
that takes a lot out of my little man....
I tried to get a good picture....maybe tomorrow he'll smile for me.
The red patches are still going strong.  Time to see a dermatologist (I'll call you for a referral Karen).  Overall, he's doing great.  We went to the grocery store tonight and he sat in the cart (you know that I covered that cart...nothing touched his precious sensitive skin!).  He did awesome!  Usually, he topples over and has to lean on me...but, he sat up like a big boy today.  I can't believe him sometimes.

Mandy's husband took the boys to soccer practice tonight (Thanks Daniel).  Chris is out of school tomorrow...I'll see if I can get him to be my house-work-slave tomorrow (or for real cheap!)

Thanks for checking on us...and I'll keep you posted on my dryer!

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

We spent our Saturday morning at Eli's soccer game...
Go Eli...go!
Isaac enjoyed sitting in the sun...
what a change from last summer...
and how cute are his transition lenses???
Good Job Eli...
they did lose their game...
but, they played so hard!!!

I guess I should get Eli some sport glasses (he got bonked in the face with the soccer ball...that can't feel good with the glasses on!)

I was able to get a nap on Saturday and Sunday afternoon...as awesome as that was...I could sleep ALL DAY FOR A MONTH!  (i think that means I'm getting a little too lazy)

Everyone is doing great....Chris still has a junky cough, but he's feeling much better. 

It's WAY past my bedtime....but, someone named ISAAC is still rolling around!!!

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanks for looking at Isaac's video and LOVING him with me!  

He's doing awesome.  He still only crawls a little...and stays in the living room.  He isn't coughing much, he's eating great...he's just a happy little man.

The big boys are doing good as well.  Eli had soccer practice tonight, and Chris is catching up with his missed school work.

**Homeless man update**
I saw Jon, my homeless man today.  An older woman in a wheelchair saw me talking to him and asked if I knew him.  I told her that I did not KNOW him, but I just see him often.  She said that she did KNOW him.  He has a sister that lives in town and he goes to visit her every few weeks to shower and get cleaned up...AND...he was a SURGEON!  His wife died 8 years ago and he just couldn't take it.  
NOW...I need to keep talking to Jon to "for sure" verify this info...but, the lady just kept talking about him and she knew all kinds of things.  
Unbelievable if it's true....
(I need to find out his last name and google him!)

anyway...I gave him five dollars for milk and was on my way. (then, the lady gave me a dollar to give him, so I had to go in the store and find him and give him another dollar (he's going to think I'm crazy!) 

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


He'll turn two at the end of the month...and he did it!!! This video is a little over three minutes..and he doesn't finally do it until the 3 minute mark...so, sit tight, laugh at my accent...but, cry with me!!! He did it!!!!

ALL the boys stayed home from school today. They were up a little too late, and just needed one more day to rest and recover. Tomorrow....I get my house back...I'm shipping the big boys off to school!

to clean.


Isaac is feeling much better. He ate baby food today (he hasn't in about 2 weeks)...he's rolling everywhere, crawling at times....he's so amazing to me!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hey good lookin'....
uhhhh...what did you say?

I'm tired now...

Just cheesin' for the camera
(while watching television)

Peek a boo...
where's Chris???
We've been CRAZY here. Who's got time for details, so here's the skinny:

Eli--has the runs. (from Isaac who got it from Megan---who better keep them to himself). He missed school today because he can't stay out of the bathroom...who knows about tomorrow?

Chris--is STILL sick. He's on antibiotics....but, has the junky cough (from Isaac), runny nose, just a yucky feeling all over.

Isaac--is FINALLY getting better. Not much coughing, down to only night time neb treatments. He SAT up in the high chair today at lunch with Nora (pt) and Nicole! He's amazing!!! We're working on getting Isaac braces for his legs. (He's going to walk one day!!!) His bum is getting better from his yucky diapers.

Joe--looks like he's getting the cold the other boys have:(

Me--I whipped out a few orders today...cleaned a little house...and SCORED some freebies at the stores!!! (yeah for me!)

Now you've got the scoop...what's going on with you today??

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