We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Monday, September 03, 2007

***ISAAC SPIT UP!!!****
Now, this happened yesterday...all over Joe...but, it happened. I'm waiting to see it for myself. This is GREAT if it wasn't a fluke! That would mean that his fundo was unwrapping and this horrible wretching would subside soon. The wretching is caused when he has a burp or spit up that can't come up (because of the fundoplication--stomach wrap). This stomach wrap will eventually unwrap as the stomach stretches...and I hope our day is soon! But, for now...he's getting a little of both, and I think that's probably worse for him. He starts to wretch, then gets a little in his mouth, that FREAKS him out...so, he chokes for a while, turning a little blue, before remembering that he can actually swallow....(and I thought tutoring Chris in algebra was going to be hard...try teaching your little one to swallow again!) We shopped today...and it was GREAT to be back in the swing of things. I'm still trying to get the house organized...my never ending battle. Happy Labor Day to all!

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Anonymous said...

Good Job Isaac!!!
Sounds like you guys are doing great, little hectic and crazy but great. I am glad you got to go shopping. I love target now that you taught me about the end of the isles.

We miss you and can't wait to see you!!
Brittany, Klye, Kristy and Katelyn

Mandy said...

And what did you buy us?? And why are there no pics for today?? Come on Kat, don't start slacking off!!

T n T - K n K said...

This is good news indeed!! Well..in a different kinda way! I'm sure it has to feel good to Sir Isaac to get it up and out. Shopping...Ahhhh shopping what a wonderful way to cheer the soul :-) Need a shoppin buddy? My terrible 2 twins are into everything and need to stretch there limbs.
Blessings to you all
Sams Family