We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where in the WORLD did Monday go??? Well, today we were as busy as EVER! We had our stomach emptying study this morning. They mixed a little radioactive juice with Isaac's milk and put it in his g-tube. Then, they took a one minute image of his stomach every 15 minutes for an hour. I should be able to call Dr. Baron tomorrow to get the results. This test will see if his stomach is emptying fast enough. If it is not...there are meds to make it go through faster. (We're just trying to find the cause of his wretching). Then, we had an afternoon visit from our developmental specialist Nicole and a physical therapist, Nora. They were great and pleased with Isaac's progress. He's holding his head up better, tolerating tummy time a little longer...and this week..he started grabbing his toys and putting them in his mouth!!! YIPPIE!!! What a big boy! In the middle of all that, I got Sto off to school, picked up Eli from school, picked up Chris and friends from school, bathed Isaac, bathed Eli, told Sto to bathe himself, made tacos for dinner, cleaned the downstairs (including mopping the floor), did homework with Chris, read to Eli, feed Isaac every 4 hours, Eli fed himself lunch, took Chris to scouts, read Eli a Star Wars book, and updated this blog...Oh...I need a brownie! But...I ate the last one this afternoon...hhmmm. Gosh..I just need to lose 7 more pounds to fit into my old jeans...it's KILLING ME! Why oh why didn't I just buy jeans with elastic waists!!!?? Oh, well...I'll just upload your pictures and get myself to bed! Isaac gets his 4 month shots tomorrow! Wish us luck!

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The Portas said...

My head is spinning reading through all that you did in one day. Wowzie! Good luck with the shots. I'm sure with all that he's been through, a few shots will be nothing. That's how Elijah has always been, anyway.

Btw, I love those pics because his chubby little cheeks are just drooping down so sweetly. :) I love chubby cheeks!

Grandma Judy said...

Good job Kat! Now, what did Joe do?
I'm quite sure he was just as busy....just all in one place. Why is it the moms always get to do the running around? They should make minivans that get twice the mileage as the husbands vehicle!
Just a thought.

James said...

Little Isaac,
You are just so cute, holding your big boy toys! Keep trying new things everyday. Then your mom's list of things she does in a day will grow longer and l-o-n-g-e-r!!!
Love, Abby

Mandy said...

There is no way he is 4 months already. I can't wait to come back out and see him. Meghan will teach him to crawl so then when mom and Abby come out he can crawl all around for them. (Just wishful thinking!!) Glad to see Eli is ready for Halloween. I wish we could have another Star Wars halloween but Seth has school the next day so that wont work. Don't worry, we will bring his costume for their part weekend and get pics then. Tell Sto to keep being an awesome big brother and tell Joe he is doing great also. Don't worry, you will be back in size 0 soon.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

He is absolutely precious Kathy!!