We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh...my sweet Isaac followers...I have some stinky news to tell!
Isaac has retched about 10+ times today. His blood sugar is up in the 200s again, his mickey button is leaking about 1/2 and ounce with every feed, AND he has a FEVER...(and last night, he was sweating alot and breathing heavy)...
So, I'm going to see the surgeon AGAIN that put the gtube in. (Because of the crazy leaking and the sudden retching)...I'm calling Dr. Mayman to try to squeeze in tomorrow....and I just hope he's not coming down with anything. I suctioned his nose out this morning and got some boogies...but, nothing since. He is coughing....but, only a little before he wretches. He's drooling like a mad man (so, maybe it's teeth trying to come in)...
He went from my happy guy to my stink-pot...like overnight!
He's snoozing on the floor right now, with a cool rag on his forehead (he likes the rag when he's distrought!).

Everyone please say your prayers for Mr. Mason Manning. He's in surgery as we speak at Stanford. click here to see how cute he is!

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Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh boy...

what a mess....

Dr. Mayman is on his way to NY right now...

Call me in the morning... k?

Anonymous said...

I hope little Isaac gets feeling better soon.
He (and you) certainly deserves a respite from all this stuff.

ks said...

Kathy, what happens if you feed him 15 cc less? We struggled with the mickey leaking also, and finally figured that GI dysmotility was the culprit- even though our baby was able to tolerate the volume of feeds, sometimes the gut would slow and then the subsequent over-feeding her would sorta "break" the tubey... just a thought... praying for you and yours.

James said...

Oh poor Isaac. I hope that you are feeling better real soon. Maybe Isaac well just have to out-grow the reflux. Hopefully! It should be time uh? Take care and thanks for the posts! the McKeel's
Where's my christmas card? :)

Anonymous said...

Poor little baby and mommy! Please tell us if there is anything we can do. You are still my hero!

Anonymous said...

If he wasn't so cute. Look at all that hair. Hang in there, you are doing an awesome job. Love , Brooke