We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Still barking like a dog...me, not Isaac.  He has a little cough now and then...but, he's ok.

Me...I spent the day on the phone with Insurance companies and social security.  First of all..we have this 22k bill from April when Isaac was in the NICU.  It appears that although the HOSPITAL we were at takes our insurance, the neo-natologists that care for your baby do NOT!  Then, I got a call last night from the pediatric surgeon that did Isaac's stomach surgery.  She said that our insurance company hasn't paid their office yet either....16k.  It too appears that this surgeon was not yet contracted with Blue Cross.  Now...she was the only surgeon on call in the hospital that day that could perform the surgery...we weren't informed that our insurance wouldn't cover her services (I didn't want the stinkin' surgery anyway!).   Now....that just bugs me!  From now on...I suppose I'll hang a sign on Isaac's hospital bed that reads:  "If you don't take our insurance...don't stop and look at our baby...keep walking!"
Like we need one more thing to worry about.  UUrrrggghhh!
We got our Cobra statement in the mail.  And...our new insurance premium will be $1100 a month (how funny is that...$1100 a month with NO JOB!)  This whole ordeal is getting a little out of control.  On top of that new premium we need to pay to keep Isaac covered...Joe's stupid company policy changed and starting 1/1/08, the family deductible went from $100 a year to $6000 a year.  Yes...I typed the correct amount of zeros....6k!  So, with all of Isaac's doctor appointments for the month of January...we'll have to shell out the whole 6k probably..and he's suppose to have his cleft palate surgery anytime now....(I'm putting that on hold until we figure out the whole insurance deal!)  So...we're leaving the house, getting an RV, and moving to Mexico to sell T-shirts on the beach!  (no...not really...but, that's my dream!)(I'm still biting my tongue about his company...but, I'm giving them them the EVIL eye right now...can you tell!)

Isaac has been awake ALL day.  This little guys will not go to sleep!  I've seen HOURS of Yo Gabba Gabba...and he starts to cry when the episode is over to let me know that it's time to start a new one!  I've heard rumors that it's been cold outside...but, I wouldn't know...I've been hanging out on my couch...making sure that it doesn't try to run away!  I asked Joe if he was taking the big boys to the strip for new year's....and the laugh he gave was my answer....looks like they'll be watching the fireworks for the comfort of their room! (You can actually see them from their bedroom...small, but, you can see!)  The silver lining to my day is the fact that it's PIZZA NIGHT!  I have my pizza hut coupon and placed the order, and Joe just went to pick it up!  

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Anonymous said...

I am so inspired by the way you seem to keep your sense of humor through it all. Sorry to hear about the insurance situation and hope you feel better for the New Year.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I don't know how you hold it all together...
having a sick child is enough...
having three boys is another thing...
but to deal w/ the financial end of it...

it's very stressful...

I know that on the outside you're keeping your chin up...
but ... I hope you're able to vent/cry and get if off your chest.

People used to say that to me..
but I used to be a mess inside..

now I'm just a mess PERIOD.

Krista said...

Kathy...you crack me up! I can't imagine meeting you in person, if you are half as funny as your posts! What an amazing momma you are!

My prayers are with you as you deal with all that yucky financial stuff...don't back down...make them work for their money!

Haven't left a comment lately..but still check in daily for updates!

Anonymous said...

Kathy Holly Cow!!!!
I cant believe all that you have to deal with right now! Please tell us how we can help. Kyle is always dreaming of being able to beat someone up for a good cause!
We love you,
Brittany and Kyle

Anonymous said...

okay Kathy. I've got a plan. We will say Icky is mine and I'll put him on my insurance. Just give me his social security number and I'll take care of the paperwork!!!!

Grandma Judy said...

Well Kat, looks it's about time to tell all the grandparents and great grandparents to start thinking about where they hid their money jars. If we each go and dig up a jar or two we will be able to help you out on the expenses. Go ahead and send me one of the bills, and I will A-get it lowered B- get the insurance to pay it or C- send them a dollar a day until they get tired of processing such a small amount!

I'm serious about dealing with the insurance companies. I have plenty of time. You can always pull out the heavy guns and get Joe to deal with it!!

Like the commercial says...."We're here when you need us!"

Mandy said...

Kathy, don't forget that Dad has the money tree in the back yard! :)