HI Good Lookin'....how are you??
No time for you mom....my show is on!
It's SO good...I can't keep my drool in my mouth!
Sorry...you caught me in a blink...and the drool!
I'm still freakin' mom out with my crazy eyes!
(I'm looking ahead at the tv...even though you
can't tell what I'm looking at!)
Where can I begin. How about making you laugh SO hard that you PEE in your pants! We had a CRAZY Sunday...like we could give you anything else! Joe started off our Sunday by taking the big boys to church, even taking a tithing and fast offering. Joe and I (and his parents) were even fasting this day for a job for Joe. (We're off to a good start...right??) Then, the big guys come home...and it goes down hill from there. I got ready to take my afternoon nap with Isaac and Eli. Of course Eli slept like a champ...(he went up at 1:30). I didn't take myself and Isaac up until 3:00 (a nap was more important than the Super Bowl). So, I lay down, get Isaac to sleep...AND Eli wakes up at 3:30. I tell him he did great, it's ok for him to go downstairs. Then, I fall back asleep. And wouldn't you know that at 4:30 Sir Isaac wakes up. You'd think that 1 hour is enough sleep...but, NO...it just hurts if it's less than 2 hours!
So..we go downstairs.
Then, Eli comes out of the downstairs bathroom, "Mom...the toilet isn't working. I flushed it and flushed it...and there's just water everywhere!" So, Joe runs up to get the plunger and I run to get towels. We slop up the water. Then, as I'm putting the last towel in the washer...Joe throws up on the clean bathroom floor. "JOSEPH! Look at what you did." So...I throw him a towel and I get the floor (again)...
Now...we rest on the couch.
Until, Joe decides that he needs to make a run to the store. He backs out of our driveway and INTO our neighbor's car. That's right...his big fat jeep ran over the bumper of our neighbor's car. So, he had to go next door, confess, and get them our insurance info (although, we're hoping they just let us pay out of pocket).
OK...now..we sit back on the couch to rest.
And we did. Then, we all watched Lost...because it's been sitting in the DVR waiting for us to see it. The kids stayed up past their bedtime....but, we ended the night GREAT!
Today...Sir Isaac has been a champ. He retched twice yesterday and once today...but, he's controlling it and keeping the throwing up down. His sats seem to keep hovering around the 92-94 mark. We see the geneticist tomorrow morning and Dr. Mayman in the afternoon! YEAH! He'll let me know when I need to put him on the O2.
So...today was uneventful, especially when compared to our Sunday!
AND..it's one of my big sister's birthday...Happy Birthday Cindy!
So, we'll update tomorrow night after our day at the docs!
Hope you enjoyed our crazy days...stayed tuned for more!
If you make your way back through our journal - you will see that I have had some days like that! Oh my gosh - I was cracking up!!
OOOOHHHHH - another Lost fan. Hmmm - I see an email coming your way - maybe tomorrow. I like to have people to discuss it with.
By the way - I love the picture of his eyes - complete with drool. He is such a cutie. Sir Isaac is a doll baby.
Good luck with all of your appointments tomorrow. Oh yeah - I must know - who is Crabby Old Man? I think that my husband is his new fan!
Obviously you've just had it WAY TOO EASY!!! -For all of... let me count the days. Oops, nevermind. Thanks for the comic relief (and might I just add that you're amazing to be able to see the humor of it all as well!) Good luck with the doc appointsments. I'll be waiting on baited breath to hear what they have to say.
Oh funny! I was giggling as I read through your story. You guys crack me up.
WE LOVE LOST! I'm so bummed because I made plans this Thursday night (and we don't have a dvr) so I'm going to miss it. I guess I can watch it online or record it the old fashioned way. Sad that my Thursday nights revolve around tv.
I'll be thinking about you guys today with your appointments. Doesn't Isaac have an MRI coming up? When is that? Anyway, thanks for giving me a giggle this morning with your funny story. :)
Typical day at the Roller house.
I'm surprised Chris wasn't involved in anything. Three boys and Joe must be a handful, and I know you love every minute of it!!!!
The story is soooo much funnier when Kathy actually tells it to you.
Let me know if I need to go get tested for the lovely digeorge syndrome. If I do then it's all mom's fault!!!! And it also proves my point that your kids really should be mine and mine should really be yours.
Tell Eli I'm starting to save for his cruise. Seth wants to come with him but I told him no.
Oh man! What a day. I CAN'T imagine a house full of boys. I'm sure there is never a dull moment. They must keep you on your toes! Hope the dr. appointments go well.
Hey there...I swear I am LOSING my mind! I read through this entry again, and FORGOT AGAIN to write you! UG! Here I am only 32 years old and I have memory of an 88 year old.
I LOVE the drool pictures. You know how I love that Isaac! Jonathan actually was looking at the pictures of him last night and said how cute he was (and he said he looks chunky...so there...you got a chunky compliment...from a MAN no doubt!)
To answer one of your questions...they did the CAT scan on Noah b/c this was about the 5th time that this has happened...it was not so much a concern about the sinuses, but that his lower eye gets red and puffy and they wanted to make sure that there was not an infection in the eye itself...they just went for the sinus cavities as well since they were already in there...and that is what we thought was the problem anyway.
Funny that it takes the pulmonologist to get us into a feeding therapy place...what's up with that? Crazy! I am going to call on Thursday...I literally have no time between now and then to do anything.
I think that we need a vacation! We are such busy mommy's. I hope to hear great things on your next entry...to which I will probably forget to write AGAIN!
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