We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm not as cranky as I was yesterday.
I actually got up and out the door with Isaac and ELI by 6:40 to make our 7:00am appointment for the MRI. YEAH!!! But, we didn't get our MRI done....ohhh...
When I filled out the questions, I had to answer that he had coils in his heart, that he had a valve, and other metal in his heart. That lady FREAKED out. (and why wouldn't she...) So, I explained to her that his valve was cadaver skin...so, that's ok, his coils were made of titanium and Stanford gave me the ok for an MRI, and the other metal was just the wires holding his breastbone together. So...he's ok. You should have seen her face...it's SO funny watching these people (not to mention all the nosy people in the waiting room!). Bottom line...they said that their MRI machine was 3x more powerful than the standard...and they want specifics on everything foreign in his little body. So, no problem....we'll just call Stanford (again) and get a nice letter that I'll keep in my files.

But...while we were there...ELI was sick. YES...Eli and I had already decided that he could skip school today and go with us to the appointment. (he was already coughing alot....so, I knew that he would wake up feeling a little yucky). So, while we were waiting to find out if Isaac was going back, Eli had to run to the bathroom 3 times to throw up. Then, he would have to go outside for "fresh air". So....now that Isaac's appointment was canceled, I was able to call the peds and get Isaac in for 11:00am. WHOOO!!! (He's the ped that I love, but that's scared of Isaac). He'll give me antibiotics for Eli and we'll be good! Eli told me that he needs surgery now...Isaac is fine...that he's the sick one now.

So...that left Joe to get Chris off to school this morning. I think he they both made it and they took the trash out to the road! (without me nagging them about it!)

Isaac's coughing a little today...and he's doing alot of back arching. (it must hurt his chest). So, I'm giving him Tylenoyl and I've already called his ped to ask if they're going to give me a prescription for antibiotics. He's on 1 litre of oxygen and getting breathing treatments every 6 hours...THANK GOODNESS I had all of this stuff at the house...or we would be in the hospital.

So..maybe we had a busy morning...but, I see NAPS in our afternoon future...even if they'll have to be drug induced naps!!! (Tylenoyl for everybody!!!)

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The Portas said...

I hope you are all napping peacefully right now! What a pain about the MRI. Oh well, I guess I can understand how that might freak someone out a bit. I was looking forward to getting that out of the way for Isaac. I hope you can get back in soon and get it over with.

Get some relaxing in today! I feel tired just reading about your morning. I better take a nap under my desk. :)

Mandy said...

You better get well before we get there. I don't need Meghan sick. (Now I'm the one that gets to pick on your kids for having germs.)

Tell Eli I'll call later this week so we can plan Joe's party. I still think the M&M party would be great! We can go get him tons of M&M minis. He'll love it.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

This is what puzzles me...

why would they freak out?

A pediatric cardiologist scheduled this MRI ... ???
so what the heck is the problem?

The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

jencooper said...

I hope that you got a good nap in this afternoon! I hope that Eli is okay and that Master Isaac is holding his own.


Kelly said...

ugh. You poor thing. I hope you had a very nice, long nap today. You're superwoman! I'm in awe of all that you can handle on a day to day basis!

Samantha said...

I hope you took a nap and did not find other, less important things to do. But, I am guessing, you got side tracked and you did not take care of yourself!

I am annoyed for you about the MRI. How ridiculous. To make matters worse, you had to wake up so darn early! Not fair! I am sorry. Hopefully they will get their acts together and get this taken care of.

Did you ever get the antibiotics? I hope you have...Isaac needs them.


Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? How frustrating! At least they are tyring to be safe. Yeah, I think that letter would be a good thing to hold on to.

I'm so glad you do have your supplies at home and don't have to be in the hospital. Does this happen alot with Isaac, being on oxygen? I'm beginning to get used to this darn thing but really can't wait to get rid of it.

Hope you got some rest!