We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

***That's it....I'm closing shop for the day. I'm not answering anymore phone calls, taking any kids anywhere....I'm just going to sit on the couch and watch the walls!***

Well...that's just what I feel like doing...but, Chris still has to get to and from scouts tonight...and he'd like nothing better than for me to tell him that he can skip it!

Isaac just had his chest xray...and it's bronchiolitis. It's some inflammation in the airways, similar to RSV. Funny thing though...he still isn't coughing, sneezing, running a fever....nothing...just wretching and throwing up. (and satting low). I called the peds office and they said that hadn't received the faxed report...so, I'll call again in the morning because I don't know if this is something that they will put him on antibiotics for or he just has to wait it out like a cold. He's still a grumpy bug. This shouldn't be funny...but, I've totally stopped giving him breastmilk and the gi doc told me to put him on Enfamil for 2 months...then we'll start the pediasure. Well, the Enfamil made him strain too hard to poop....so, I also had Pregestimil, so I started giving him that. That helps out more....but, as I'm typing his poor little face is RED and I think he's going to give himself a heart attack trying to fill his diaper! It's not funny....it's not...but, I can't stop laughing at him.

Eli is coughing all over us! I'm going to make him sleep in a tent outside! AND...guess what he did this afternoon. He turned off the oxygen machine and I heard a BEEP!
I said, "Eli, what are you doing?"
He said, "I'm just flippin' switches...why?"
I said, "Well...you're flipping the switch that helps your brother BREATHE...so will you flip it back on and come downstairs!"
You should have seen his poor little face. He loves his brother SOOO much, he couldn't believe that he flipped the switch that helped him breathe.

Chris is at Baskin Robbins eating ice cream.....it's $1.00 night...or, so they say. He's already late...I'll have to get off, call his cell phone, and tell him to pedal that bike faster! (speak of the devil...he just walked in!) And do you know what he did...he went to Taco Bell instead...and didn't ask...I ACTUALLY made dinner (and he didn't call me to see if I wanted anything...) I might just ground him for not bringing me back an empanada! And he has a new armpit hair in case you were wondering...(he brags about those things!).

So...our MRI is at 7am tomorrow. YIKES!!! I'll let you know when we get back. I'm sure they won't tell me anything...but, maybe it will just be an EARLY, uneventful morning!

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Terri@SteelMagnolia said...


wow, congrats on the armpit hair Chris!!

What a day girl.

Good luck tomorrow! Call me when you can.

jencooper said...

Okay - seriously - you crack me up! Congrats on the new armpit hair! I am happy that you are fighting this at home and not in the hospital like we did!!


The Portas said...

At least it seems like there might be an explanation for Isaac's behavior?? I pray that is all it is and that he can get past it soon.

The stories about the rest of your boys make me smile. I just have to meet you all soon. You are too cute! Get better, Eli!

Best of luck with the MRI tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes. We'll be saying prayers and thinking about you.


Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing about the armpit hair! Chest hair will be a REAL big deal!!!

It was good they did the x-ray. Couldn't his sats be low because of the inflammation of the airway? I know that's what Jacob's ped kept watching for all THREE times we had to see him last week with the dreaded "3 initial" thing!!

Hope everything goes OK with the MRI tomorrow!


Samantha said...

Hey Kathy...you and I both are always on the go. Don't you wish we could really shut down shop for awhile and the whole universe would actually still work properly! Poor us. I cannot wait for our Cancun trip! That will really help us get some rest!

Sorry that the little guy has whatever it is they found with his lungs. You knew something was up...don't you just wish the doctors would just listen to us. We always know but since we did not got to medical school, they just dismiss us. We should really have an honorary medical degree...we already see every specialist in the book!

I am going to pray for good results tomorrow with the MRI. Please post as soon as you have a chance.


P.S. How could I forget the armpit hair...how FUNNY! He is growing up on you!

Krista said...

Hey friend...who just makes me laugh EVERYDAY!

Kate and Seth had that broncolowhateverthing when they were both 6 months old...a few extra breathing treatments and some antibiotics and they were good to go soon! I'm so relieved that they did find SOMETHING...maybe a little extra meds and you'll be off the O2 soon!

Seth was always messing with Kate's oxygen too! I remember once she was making this terrible face...I looked over and saw that the stinker had turned her up to 6liters...that's like a tornado in her face! He said he was just trying to help!

And....we've surely had our "pooping" issues with Kate...She would always grunt and grunt and Seth would always announce: "Kate's pooping again!" He always paniced when she started grunting in the bathtub! If it persists...I hightly recommend Miralax...it's tasteless and you put in a bottle just once a day...it brought her so much relief!!

Well...keeping you in our prayers tomorrow for the MRI! Love you friend!

Unknown said...

Oh Kathy, you sure know how to brighten my day. I always look forward to reading your posts. I think one day we need to plan a trip to Vegas since you guys live so close. (Well closer than anyone else I've met online)

I am so glad this is bronchiolitis. I am wondering what that looks like on x-ray because that is what the docs put on our discharge papers from the hospital, but when I called to ask about the diagnosis that was unknown to me, she said that is just what the ER had put in the system. So no one really knows if that's what she has. Did they tell you how long it takes for kiddos to get over this?

After reading my message I'm not sure if it will make sense to you, but it does to me. :)

It's been one of those days.

Kathy said...

Our ped hasn't even called yet...
The radiologist told me what he saw and the report that he was faxing over to the ped. Dr. Mayman said that he should get antibiotics...but, of course...I'll need to call them tomorrow and remind them...after I get back from the MRI!

ks said...

Kathy, thanks for the chuckle... armpit hair... tee hee hee! :)
I am seriously breathing a sigh of relief on the bronchiolitis... that I can handle (you too) its temporary... and NOT his heart (WAHOO) so pace yourself, you can get thru this one! It might be interesting to see how well he does fighting off infection post OHS. ok, obviously I'm grasping at straws trying to find a silver lining, but you get my drift. Here's to a happy healthy and quick recovery!

Grandma Judy said...

Kat, just wanted to let you know that I AM keeping up with the blog each day. I might not comment, but I AM READING IT!