We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Mr. Isaac had a GREAT day!!! We had an appointment with the pediatric surgeon that put in his g-tube....and she said that he looks great! He has a little oozing from the stomach site and it is a little red, but she said all of that is normal and he looks fine. She ordered his "button" and as soon as that arrives, we can get it put in...which could be as soon as next week!!! This snazzy button will take the place of the long tube that is connected to his belly now. He is still slobbering a lot, but I just suction him before he starts choking! (I'm going to check on an electric suction machine...he LOVED it in the hospital!) He is sleeping right now in his cradle..which is AMAZING...he has NEVER slept in it before...it's a MIRACLE!!! I'd take a picture...but, I'm not taking the chance that he'll wake up. Joe is over at MaryKay's (our neighbor) house...when she saw our washing machine sitting by the road, she came over because hers was leaking. When I told her that Joe did the install in 20 minutes....I offered him to install a new one for her...and like the sweetie that he is...he's over there now installing it for her! Brooke and Madison fly back home tomorrow...we're glad they were able to come for a visit!

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Christy said...

That is a good boy he needs a cookie for being so good. He can just slober on it or better yet Luke says give him a Dum Dum sucker.

I am glad he had a good day
