We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm trying to keep my eyes open...I am....
I'm trying to watch television....please....
I like to help when I can....even give myself my own breathing treatments!
oh....I have ONE CRAZY BIG BROTHER....

Here's the SKINNY for today....
(do you like that lingo...i'm still pretty cool even in my old age!)

Isaac ended the day yesterday with NO retching episodes!  YAHHH!
He did retch once this morning.   Because he was having such a good day yesterday, I decided to add the MCT oil to his milk again.  This oil is just to give him extra calories.  I'm already adding 5 teaspoons of cornstarch per feed (of 5 ozs)..now I'm also adding 2 cc's of the oil.  If there's the chance that we'll be in surgery next week...he needs to put on as much weight as we can put on him!  (We tried this oil a few months ago...but, he retched alot with it...so, we stopped).  If it makes him start retching again..I'll stop.

I talked to Dr. Mayman today...the GREAT DR. MAYMAN!  And I got clarification (somewhat) of Isaac's issue.  They are mainly concerned about his airway.  The cat scan showed that below the pressure point of where the heart is pressing against the esophagus...it looks fine.  But, above the pressure point on the esophagus...there's air and saliva just THERE.  It can't go down...maybe that's the mucus junk that he's always retching up..the saliva that just pools in the esophagus.  They said with the pressure from the heart...it's amazing, but for now..his airway is open...no obstruction yet.  BUT, this is what they are worried about.  That if the heart gets any bigger and the pressure gets greater, it could cut off his airway.  I asked if they were concerned about the heart...and yes, they are.   But, for now...the airway is their biggest concern and the fact that he's retching so much and losing weight because of it.  SO....Dr. Hanley will get the cat scan films and total package on Monday.  We're hoping to hear from Dr. Hanley on Monday with a confirmation of surgery on Friday.  If not...at Stanford...they review cases on Wednesday.  (to prioritize patients for that week.  If there are babies sicker than Isaac, than they could give our Friday appointment to another baby.  OR Dr. Hanley could review Isaac's file with the team...and they decide to just watch him for a while and let him get stronger .... which I will be JUST FINE WITH!)

So...my little guy is eating right now...snoozing on the floor!  (this is the only time I LOVE the g-tube).  

We had a conference with Eli's teacher today (Eli is our 5 year old)...and he's doing AWESOME!  Thank goodness!  Chris was out of school 2 days this week because he was sick...and he made it to school today...YIPPIE!  Now..Joe..is a snot ball!  He's getting sick.  I told him that we don't have time for that.  They won't let us in RMH or in the CVICU if you're snotting and coughing on everything...

My wise old man told me something that reminded me of things I've thought of in the past:  All things happen for a reason.  IT may take a year or so for us to realize why something happened...but, it's always for a reason.  Like....the fact that Joe lost his job.  Yeah...it stinks.  But, I've had a tough month, and if he wasn't here this past month to help me out (especially when I was sick), I would have probably had a nervous break down.  If he wasn't home now...he wouldn't be able to go to Stanford next week for this third surgery.  Joe had our DisneyLand trip scheduled for next week...if I hadn't taken it upon myself to change the dates and go when we did....we wouldn't have had that family time with the big boys that they needed.  Joe's mom was planning on just stopping in for a few days this week...and look, she'll be here just in time to take over care of the big boys so that we can both go to Stanford.  The last house my brother and I refurbished took over a year to sell (and not because we did a bad job either)...and although we complained all year about that house and wishing we had our money back...it just closed.  Perfect timing....when we're out of work and needing another surgery.  Last night when we got the news that Isaac would need another surgery....our home teachers from church came by to bring Joe his Sunday School manual.  What a shock...because, then we were able to fill them in on our new news and ask for help giving Isaac a blessing on Sunday.  I could keep giving you examples...but, even when something that we think is bad happens....it's happening for a reason....and always ends positive.  IT"S CRAZY!  But, we're definitely being watched after...and we're saying our prayers daily to thank Heavenly Father for his hand in our lives.  
I'm still wishing that we get canceled for surgery at the last minute....but, if we must go...we know we'll be looked after.

That being said...look around you...kiss your kids (even the screaming, bratty ones) and thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings that you have in your lives (if you think you don't have any...you do).
Please say a prayer for Miss Kate also...she's still being a Drama Queen and trying to see how much attention she can get from her docs!

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Grandma Judy said...

Very well said Kat. I can't believe you are that same ditzy cheerleader teenager I raised. I'm proud or you and your patience, and the love you have for your family. You have been an excellent
role model for your siblings, and your entire family. At times you even have ME sitting back and thinking twice.

You know how much we all love you.
Hang in there.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

What a sweetheart you are!!

Kiss those boys for me.

I still think everyone should go nominate you for Extra ordinary parent... on Nancy Grace...
they need to go to her site and then i reports...

Samantha said...

You are an amazing woman Kathy! You wrote a beautiful entry today...lots of prayers are being said for you and your family (and Kate too). You are so right in that things really do happen for a reason...

Lots of love,

The Portas said...

Your great attitude is refreshing. I love it! I must meet you!

I'm a HUGE believer in, whatever happens, happens for a reason and in the right time. If you trust in that with total faith, life suddenly becomes much easier to handle.

Mr. Isaac will be well cared for and his right time for surgery will happen when it's right. In the meantime (this message is for Isaac, so please pass the computer to him), EAT UP, Isaac, and put lots of chub on your thighs in this next week!

crabby old man said...

Kathy & Joe hang in there & Little Isaac You hang tuff . Wished I could mail Isaac some of my excess weight.
Will continue to Pray For the Ro Family

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...



Samantha said...

Love the pictures!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I love Crabby..
he's such a love bug.

Unknown said...

Eat up little man! I know this is not what you guys had planned but trust in the Lord for he will get you through this. Dr. Hanley is such a wonderful surgeon, so your definintly in good hands.

James said...

Why must you make us cry? God doesn't give us any more than we can handle. We all think twice about this I know. Especially me at times. Keep holding on to things in life that matter most. Take care, Abby