We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Good morning! No major changes with Isaac overnight. They just suctioned him....and no junk...whoooo hoooo! They also just started feeding him.....three cc's every hour. That's not enough to make him feel it....but, just enough to get his belly working. He's still waving at everyone in his sleep...so they increased his versed and morphine drips. He's still a little puffy....that lasix should start working soon. And he has a rash under his neck from the tape from his chest dressing. The adhesive from tape makes him break out in a horrible rash.....what a lovely allergy to have in a hospital when they like to tape you up! I'm at the hospital now....I left Joe sleeping. We'll probably take turns again today....He doesn't like me talking about him...so I won't tell you that he's getting on my nerves again (It's not my fault he doesn't know how to stay off my nerves after all these years)!
Really....we have no problems (except my nerves)....I can' believe how he is recovering so far. I'm hoping that this extra week on the ventilator will help him be happier when he does wake up....the worst pain will have happened while he was sleeing.
His nurse today is Marilynne...we haven't had her before, but she is very nice. We are having some pictures printed tonight and crazy nurse Rachel is going to decorate Isaac's bed for us!

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Anonymous said...

I saw his little fat hand in the picture you sent. Poor little baby!

Find Joe something to work on and he won't bug you as much. You can always have him searching for Jeep parts on the internet.

Be sure to get plenty of rest when you can.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Aww... gotta love that adorable Rachel!!! She's such a wonderful girl. I sent her an email the other night after I saw her picture..

You are so funny talking about how Joe gits on yer nerves...

sense of humor will help you get by!!

God bless that sweet baby and your wonderful little family!!!!!!!!!!

Kiss the baby.. and hugs to you both.

Samantha said...

Wonderful news! I am so happy that Isaac is such a trooper...what a strong boy that he can still wave those arms around even with all the medicine...by the way...I don't think the husbands ever learn how "not to bug us"...we are forever stuck with it! Oh well...they are worth it.

Lots of hugs,

The Portas said...

It sounds like recovery is going smoothly and that is so wonderful to hear. YAY Isaac, what a strong man you are.

I hope you are all getting some rest when you can. I know, easier said than done. It's amazing how draining this can be on the parents.

Smooches to that sweet baby! Keep up the good work, Isaac!

Mandy said...

We made it to Vegas. Mom won't let me go shopping!! Your boys are great. As soon as we go here Eli and Seth ran out the door.

Mom is giving me the Isaac update. I'm to tired to read!! Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Kathy and family, I just want you to know you are all in our prayers! I have spent a few hours reading Isaac and Eli's blogs. I never knew you were going through so much! Hang in there!
Love, Teresa West