We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We have Sean for our nurse tonight. He's a big shot charge nurse that is taking GREAT care of Isaac.

But, I just got off the phone with Sean and Isaac's temp is down and he's sleeping like a champ. I snapped a pic of Sean...but, I'll post it tomorrow. I'll be in early tomorrow before they round so that they don't make any changes that I disapprove of...someone has to keep them on their toes!!!
**Chris got his report card and he did AWESOME!! I'm SO proud of my big stinker! Both boys are working hard at school and they are making their mama as proud as can be! (said with a country accent!)

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Mandy said...

Sleep Kat, sleep!!!

The Portas said...

I hope you were able to get some sleep! Do you have anyone there with you???

I'm glad to hear you were able to avoid crazy nurse, and I'm super glad that Isaac's temp is down.

Hopefully they can get you away from the circus soon. That would be annoying.

p.s. Dr. Hanley has some nice waves in his hair! That's some good hair.

Samantha said...
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Anonymous said...

Today is going to be a great day. Maybe the vent will come out, and they will send you to a private room.

Keep on Smiling!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

What sweet boys you have ...

just checking to see how our little man is doing??

How's that temp now???

I'm so jealous you GET to see Hanley running around ... (with the halo over his head)
in those blue scrubs w/ a sports jacket.

I just tried calling you...
but will be back.

The Portas said...

Does he really wear a sports jacket over scrubs? That goes along with my theory about surgeons being quirky. Quirky is good, though, because quirky people usually know what they're doing. :)

Hope your day is going well in Palo Alto. Hugs to you guys...

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

go look at the pics below! hee hee..

I hear he's a big runner dude too..
that must be where he gets his stamina.

James said...

We are home and have been thinking alot about you guys. Hope things continue to improve each and every day! :) Keep up the good work Isaac! Love, The McKeel's

Grandma Judy said...

OK Kat, I'm waiting for an update. I went back through the blog. Isaac had his last heart surgery Aug 3rd. Was off the vent by the 6th, and was moved upstairs on the 10th, and discharged on the 13th. So, to keep up with that, they need to get him off that vent.

Make sure those nurses are nice to my baby.

Get some rest, and don't forget your prayers. You have PLENTY to be thankful for. We all do!

Mandy said...

Okay Kat, since everyone has posted at least twice you are falling behind!! Where is a update for Thursday??? Are you finally sleeping.......