We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My sweet Joseph took the night shift with Isaac...I don't think that either one of them got much sleep! The hospital wireless is still down. Urrgghhh. I have Xmas shopping to do!
Isaac seems to be doing really well. I'm trying to get off oxygen...then they might let us sleep at rmh at night and spend our days here. Wouldn't that be a treat! I'm sure its wishful thinking....but, I'm still going to ask. He has been fever free for three days now!!! And he spends his days watching Yo Gabba Gabba.. What can you do?? I ate some fabulous pie last night Cindy...joe didn't tell me there were cookies until he tried them first! (I'm never going to make it into my skinny jeans!)
I'll bring the computer to rmh tonight so I can upload some pics....he looks SO much better.

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Mandy said...

You know you ate ALL the pie and not just SOME! I'm still waiting on the wagon picture!! Just tell the docs that Isaac needs to go home and watch new yo gabba gabba's with Eli.

Take care and I hope to see you soon.

The Portas said...

Excited to see new pics! I'm so glad things are going well and especially for the three days of no fever. Yay!

Take care. Give each other lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

Poor Joe, The night shift isn't as fun as you would think. I guess if he had a book to read he was fine.

I know Isaac is ready to get in his own bed, just like his parents!

Take care....you have just a few days to go!