We are just a family of five...three boys, a mom, a dad, a hamster, and dog. Welcome to our crazy world. Our adventures will make you laugh, cry, and pee in your pants...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sorry I didn't get any posts in during the day...but, it was CRAZY!

Now...Mr. Isaac...when I got to the hospital this morning...he was taken off his feeds in anticipation of extabating today (taking his ventilator out). They weaned the vent settings down to zero..so, Isaac was taking all of his breaths himself...his CO2 levels just remained too high (he was berathing out the CO2...he was taking too shallow breaths). We did eventually get the tube taken out at 5:50 (which I almost missed...but, I won't complain about it). But, his CO2 levels are STILL high...so, he's on a high flow oxygen canula (at 10 liters)...if you don't know how much it is...just know it's alot. They may have to put him on cpap (see Terri's blog for a picture of that thing...)...Isaac will NOT like it if they have to do that.
His fever started up again tonight (which, by the way...we have an awesome night nurse named Andrew...the guy nurses are always great!). Andrew quickly gave him tylenoyl, turned on the cooling blanket, repositioned him, suctioned him...and waaalaaa...the fever came down! WhoooHoo. They did start him on antibiotics today.
(I'm totally trying to remember everything without looking at my notes...bad for you..because my brain is fried!)
I had dinner tonight with a new heart mama...Kelly. She has a little babydoll that just had surgery...so, I'm giving her all you heart mama's blog addresses (show her some LOVE!)
Isaac looks like he's lost a lot of weight. Not at all the chunky monkey he was a week ago. It's too late to upload pics (I'm just too tired)...but, I promise that I'll do it tomorrow at the hospital! I mean...he has a chin and everything!
Joe's in Phoenix today and tomorrow, the boys are driving mom bonkers at home...and Isaac is just chillin. He did smile at us this morning while the vent was in. At our last hospital stay...he didn't start smiling again until about 2 weeks after we were home. I hope this means that we finally have his meds right!
Oh...I remember what was getting me in an uproar today...Isaac's g-tube site. I came in this morning and was cleaning it (because, I'm compulsive about cleaning it)...and it's oozing and bleeding and raw. He started crying when I touched it. I was SO MAD...that site has never even been the slightest pink before...I keep it immaculately clean.
The docs look at it. They tell me that a "wound nurse" needs to look at it...and she'll be by to see it TOMORROW! Are you kidding me?!?! So, I've kept the site clean today, showed Andrew (and I trust that he can clean it)...and I called our home health people and asked them to shiip me a new button (Isaac just got a script for a bigger size..and maybe it's just irritated because it's too small).

Oh my gosh....one more crazy thing happened today. Well, last night. I went into our cabinets (we have our own here at RMH and they are labeled) to get some cookies. Someone has stolen my brownies, cookies, loaf of bread, and peanut butter. Can you believe that?? I mean...there's not ONE crumb left on that shelf! What a stinker!!! I hope they really needed the food (I would have just donated my food if they were that hungry)...but, imagine my face when I look and the cupboards are BARE!
Can you see now why I didn't have time to post! This place is spinning my head in circles. But, I'm eating good, (too good)..sleeping at night...and loving my snazzy new phone (that I can't totally get working still)...but, I can't wait to see my Joe again. If we're here for Thanksgiving...he'll come up and we'll all eat Boston Market with Isaac (maybe I can slip him some gravy in that g-tube!!)
Have a good night guys!

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Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

UH MUH GUH!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shaking head*

Dang girl...
what a day..

and I can't believe someone at RMH at your food! What is up with THAT?
sommmmmme people.....

what used to gross me out at RMD was the women who would throw their breastmilk in the main freezer... just in bags, or in cups .. whatever... and some were oozing out of the top of the caps...

I totally complained b/c it's a health hazard beings it's a bodily fluid and all..

I dunno ... some people don't have much tact.

Grandma Judy said...

No Kat, the boys are NOT driving me bonkers.Every now and then a Grandma just has to put her foot down. I do their laundry, fix their food, clean their room, do their chores and even clean the dog poop out of the yard. I even let Chris refer to me as "WOMAN". But when I ask them to get in the car to go to the post office with me, and I am told NO.....I tend to need to show my authority. Remember now, these are the boys that can talk me into unlimited videos and games, numerous trips to Target and Blockbuster, and they tell ME what's on the dinner menu each night....and, Grandma listens.
I wouldn't trade these boys for anything. I'm the one that first spoiled Chris. He was just overwhelmed yesterday when I didn't give in.
I guarantee you, MY days are easier than yours! ! !